Why Does My German Shepherd Sleep So Much

why does my german shepherd sleep so much

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Do you ever wonder why your German Shepherd sleeps so much? It turns out that they need more sleep than most other dogs. In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons behind your German Shepherd’s need for sleep and how you can help them get the rest they need.

Is it normal for German Shepherds to sleep all day?

It may seem odd that a seemingly-energetic dog like a German Shepherd could sleep all day, but it can be quite normal. Of course, this depends on the individual dog and its lifestyle. When they have the opportunity to get plenty of exercises, they may be content to snooze away after they’ve had enough physical and mental stimulation.

On the other hand, elderly dogs or those with underlying health conditions may need a bit more rest to get by – so if yours seems tired out, pay attention and take your pup to the vet just in case.

Do German Shepherds like to sleep with you?

Not only do German Shepherds look incredibly athletic and powerful, but they also enjoy cuddle sessions with their owners at night. Whether it is for extra warmth or out of pure love for their humans, these canines are always happy to hop up on the bed and get cozy with their beloved humans.

Of course, different dogs – even of the same breed- may have different personalities and preferences when it comes to sleeping, so if you own a German Shepherd make sure to observe how they react whenever you offer them a spot next to you on the bed. It might just be that they were waiting all day long for such an invitation!

Are German Shepherds afraid of the dark?

German Shepherds, like many other animals, typically have some degree of fear when it comes to the dark. While every dog is different, they are generally just as fearful of darkness as humans are. While it must be acknowledged that this fear can develop due to environment or even trauma experienced by a pet, it still remains true that most German Shepherds will find themselves increasingly uncomfortable in an unfamiliar and dark place.

This may cause behavioral changes that seemingly boil down to fear of the dark. To counteract this behavior, owners should make sure their furry friend feels safe and secure in their living area at night by giving them a sense of stability and even allowing them to sleep near their bed so they don’t feel quite so alone in the darkness.

Why does my German Shepherd sleep beside me?

German Shepherds are known for being loyal and affectionate dogs. When it comes to bedtime, your pup probably can’t resist snuggling up close to you. After all, it’s natural for them to want to be near their beloved owner. Not only do they love the warm, cozy spot that is your bed, but they also take comfort in staying close by; allowing them the security of being able to sense when you move around or get out of bed.

It likely also makes them feel protected and safe – just like being a part of a pack – so it’s no wonder why they prefer sleeping right next to you. From your perspective, there is nothing more comforting than having your loyal pup cuddled up beside you as you drift off into a peaceful sleep.

Where should a German Shepherd sleep?

German Shepherds are an energetic and intelligent breed, so they need comfortable spaces to rest. Whether that’s a padded dog bed or just the corner of your couch, having a designated spot for them to sleep is key. To keep them safe, make sure it’s in the same room as you so you can keep an eye on them. If possible, try to stick with one type of bedding: blankets and pillows might look comfy but can be too soft and restrict their movement during sleep.

Also, don’t forget to rotate the bedding every couple of weeks to maintain a healthy environment for them. Finally, make sure this sleeping spot is away from any drafts or cold spots! Your pup will thank you for it.

How long can German Shepherd stay home alone?

German Shepherds are affectionate but independent dogs that can be left alone at home for a few hours. The amount of time depends on the individual dog, their age and disposition, as well as environmental factors. Generally, young and high-energy dogs should not exceed three or four hours by themselves. On the other hand, older or calmer dogs might be okay with staying alone for up to eight hours during the day.

It’s also important to plan out how you’re going to structure your German Shepherd’s day while you’re gone, from providing them with enough outlets to expend energy (bone or puzzle toys work great!) and ensuring they have easy access to water so that dehydration doesn’t occur. As long as these simple steps are followed, then your furry friend is likely comfortable staying alone at home without becoming too lonely and bored!


All in all, don’t worry too much about your dog’s sleeping habits. If they seem happy and healthy, then they are likely just fine. Every dog is different and will have their unique sleep schedule. Just like us, they need rest to stay physically and mentally sharp. So, if you notice your German Shepherd taking a few more naps than usual, there’s no reason to be concerned. They are probably just doing what comes naturally to them.

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Doug Burke

Doug Burke

We love Frank, our German Shepherd - he's basically part of the family.
But you know how it is - there are challenges and questions that every dog owner faces, so here's what I discovered about German Shepherds while raising him.

About Me

We love Frank, our German Shepherd – he’s basically part of the family.
But you know how it is – there are challenges and questions that every dog owner faces, so here’s what I discovered about German Shepherds while raising him.

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