The Newfoundland German Shepherd Mix

the newfoundland german shepherd mix

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If you love German Shepherds and are looking for a new pup that brings two incredible breeds together, then the Newfoundland German Shepherd mix is an excellent choice! A perfect blend of intelligence, loyalty, and strength, this crossbreed offers amazing personality traits from both parents. Not only is it a great companion dog but also one that will always be there for you when needed.

What is a Newfoundland German Shepherd Mix?

The Newfoundland German Shepherd mix, also known as a Shwynefar, is a lovable breed of dog that combines the loyalty and intelligence of a German Shepherd with the calmness and steadfastness of a Newfoundland. Of medium size, these dogs typically have thick fur coats and broad heads.

An even-tempered mix of these two breeds, they are great companions both inside and out, often content to take long walks or chill out lounging on the couch. Though they may sometimes come off as timid or aloof, with some proper socialization courtesy of devoted patience from their owners, they are just loving companions who will happily play at the park or guard your home with as much loyalty as any other purebred.

What is the temperament of a Newfoundland German Shepherd Mix?

The Newfoundland German Shepherd mix has an interesting blend of temperaments. To begin with, these dogs tend to be super loyal and affectionate like the GSD, but they can also be quite laid-back and gentle like a Newfie.

Owners of this breed marvel at the fact that they bring together two ends of the spectrum! Moreover, they have often been considered an ideal pets due to their intelligent and friendly disposition.

As long as they are given enough physical & mental stimulation, exercise, and socialization, a Newfoundland German Shepherd Mix won’t do anything too out of the ordinary. Thus, if you’re looking for a hearty pup who can handle all kinds of tasks at home as well as still be a relaxed cuddle buddy in your lap then this is the breed for you!

How long do Newfoundland German Shepherd Mixes live?

A Newfoundland German Shepherd Mix can be a long-term companion if you are in the market for one! These wonderful, loyal animals have an average lifespan of 10-13 years, with some reaching up to 15 in exceptional cases.

No matter their age though, making sure your four-legged friend is on a balanced diet, gets plenty of exercise, and has regular check-ups with the vet are key for keeping them healthy for as long as possible.

Their perfect combination of athleticism and laidback attitude makes them ideal candidates as both family pets and outdoor adventure buddies. So when searching for your next pet pal, consider a Newfoundland German Shepherd mix – you won’t regret it!

How do I train a Newfoundland German Shepherd Mix?

Training a Newfoundland German Shepherd Mix can be a challenging yet rewarding process. The key to success is consistency and patience. While both breeds are patient and eager to please, the Newfoundland German Shepherd Mix will benefit from positive reinforcement training that utilizes treats and plenty of praise.

Start with simple commands – sit, stay, come, and go – and keep each training session short but regular for best results. Stick with what works and don’t be defeated if your pup needs extra time to master a particular skill or command. Above all, keep it fun – playtime activities like fetch, hide and seek, or agility training will ensure that your dog gets plenty of exercises while reinforcing the lessons you’re teaching throughout each session.

How big does a Newfoundland German Shepherd Mix get?

A Newfoundland German Shepherd Mix, otherwise known as a Weimshep, is an impressive canine! These pooches can grow up to be quite large. Weimsheps typically stand 24-28 inches tall and can weigh up to 80-100lbs.

Of course, these sizes may vary depending on the individual dog, but generally, they’ll remain within this range. It’s important to note that this breed of mix will likely require lots of exercise and playtime for them to stay healthy and maintain their size. With good care and proper nutrition, however, your Newfoundland German Shepherd Mix will make for an incredibly loyal companion no matter how big it gets!

How much does a Newfoundland German Shepherd Mix cost?

Owning a Newfoundland German Shepherd Mix is an amazing experience, but before you bring one home, make sure you know the cost associated with it. Typically, these hybrids can run anywhere between $500 to $1800 depending on your breeder and any extras like health records or vaccinations included.

 While this might seem like a hefty sum when you compare it to the costs of shelter adoption fees (which are much lower), bear in mind that when you buy from a breeder you’re guaranteeing that the dog comes from knowledgeable and experienced hands. With its mix of protective instincts and loyal devotion, this hybrid breed is sure to provide companionship and enjoyment for years to come!


The versatility of the Newfoundland German shepherd mix is what makes it stand out among other designer breeds. Not only is this breed great with families, but they possess an excellent guarding instinct, are fiercely loyal and protective of their families, and have the swimming skills of a champion thanks to the Newfoundland parentage. It’s no surprise that this mix has become such a popular choice for those looking for a four-legged best friend.

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Doug Burke

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