Do German Shepherd Puppies Lose Their Teeth? A Direct Insight

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As a German Shepherd puppy grows, they go through various developmental stages, including teething. During this time, you may notice your puppy chewing on things more than usual and exhibiting other signs of teething. So, do German Shepherd puppies lose their teeth?

Like humans, German Shepherd puppies are born without any teeth, but their baby teeth, also known as milk teeth, start growing between 2 to 3 weeks old.

The answer is yes – these puppies lose their baby teeth to make way for permanent adult teeth.

This process typically starts when they are around six to eight weeks old and continues until they have a full set of adult teeth by the time they are six months old.

Understanding the teething stages of German Shepherd puppies can help you recognize when your pup is teething, make them more comfortable, and prevent any potential dental issues in the future.

Key Takeaways

  • German Shepherd puppies are born without teeth and start growing baby teeth between 2 to 3 weeks old
  • Puppies lose their baby teeth as they grow, making way for permanent adult teeth by six months of age
  • Recognizing the teething stages helps ensure your pup’s comfort and prevents potential dental issues in the future

Do German Shepherd Puppies Lose Their Teeth?

Birth to 6 Weeks

German Shepherd puppies are born without any teeth, and during this stage, you’ll only see red gums in their mouth. Around 2 to 3 weeks old, the German Shepherd baby teeth, also known as milk teeth, start to come in.

These temporary teeth play a vital role in helping your puppy learn how to chew and explore the world around them.

6 Weeks to 3 Months

Between 6 and 8 weeks of age, German Shepherd puppies start losing their puppy teeth to make room for the eventual adult teeth.

This process is sometimes accompanied by signs of discomfort, such as increased chewing and drooling.

You can support your puppy during this time by providing appropriate chew toys and ensuring they have a balanced diet to support healthy teeth development.

3 to 6 Months

As your German Shepherd puppy grows, their adult teeth will start to emerge. By around six months old, most Shepherd puppies will have had most of their adult teeth grow in.

During this stage, it’s essential to monitor your puppy’s dental health and ensure their adult teeth are growing in correctly. Teeth brushing, dental chews, and regular visits to your veterinarian can help maintain proper dental hygiene.

6 to 7 Months

At 6 to 7 months of age, your German Shepherd puppy should have a full set of adult teeth. It’s crucial at this stage to establish a regular dental care routine to keep their teeth and gums healthy.

This includes teeth brushing, providing dental chews or toys designed for dental health, and scheduling regular check-ups with a veterinarian.

Reasons German Shepherd Puppies Lose Their Teeth

Natural Process: Just like humans, German Shepherds lose their baby teeth as part of their normal development.

Your puppy is born with 28 teeth, which will eventually fall out and be replaced by permanent adult teeth sources. This process is a natural occurrence in all breeds, not just German Shepherds.

Pressure from Permanent Teeth: As your German Shepherd puppy grows, their permanent teeth start developing underneath the baby teeth.

The pressure from these developing teeth causes the roots of the deciduous teeth to weaken and eventually fall outsource.

Teething Stages: Your German Shepherd puppy will go through specific teething stages where they lose their baby teeth in a particular order.

First, they lose their incisors, followed by their canine teeth, and finally, their premolars. This process usually begins around 6 weeks of age and continues until all the adult teeth have emerged source.

Chewing: Teething can cause your puppy discomfort and pain. To relieve this, your German Shepherd may chew on items around your home, which can help speed up the process of losing their baby teeth.

However, be sure to provide your puppy with appropriate chew toys to prevent damage to your belongings source.

Signs Your German Shepherd Puppy Is Teething

As a German Shepherd owner, it’s important to recognize the signs of teething in your puppy. Being aware of these signs can help make this process a more comfortable experience for your pup and prevent potential issues.

Here are some key indicators that your German Shepherd puppy is teething.

Your puppy may be teething if they are around 12 to 16 weeks old, as this is the age when their baby teeth typically begin to fall out, starting with their incisors and later followed by canines and premolars.

During this stage, you may notice teeth missing or blood spots on their toys due to irritated gums or lost baby teeth.

Increased chewing is another common sign of teething in German Shepherd puppies. Your puppy might be particularly attracted to chew toys or other objects around the home.

Providing safe, appropriate chew toys can help relieve their discomfort during this time.

You may also observe a change in your puppy’s eating habits while they are teething. They might show a decreased appetite or have difficulty eating due to pain and discomfort in their gums.

Offering soft food or soaking their kibble in water can help make mealtime easier for your pup during this stage.

Finally, be mindful of any difference in your puppy’s behavior. They might be more irritable, restless, or even have a low-grade fever that lasts for a week or two.

These are indications that your German Shepherd puppy is experiencing pain and discomfort from teething.

Don’t forget to monitor your puppy’s progress and consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns or if there’s no sign of teeth by the time they reach 8 weeks old.

Your vet can guide you through the teething process and ensure your puppy’s oral health is in good condition.

How to Assist Your Teething German Shepherd Puppy

Teething can be a challenging period for your German Shepherd puppy, but with the right support, you can ensure they pass through this stage comfortably and smoothly.

Provide Chewing Toys

The teething process often causes discomfort for German Shepherd puppies, leading to an increased urge to chew. It’s essential to provide them with appropriate chew toys to reduce their teething pain and prevent destructive chewing behaviors.

Choose toys that are safe, durable, and specifically designed for teething puppies. Rotate the toys regularly to keep your puppy engaged and interested.

Maintain Oral Hygiene

During the teething process, it’s important to take care of your puppy’s oral hygiene. Regularly check their mouth for signs of infection or tooth misalignment, as these issues can lead to long-term health problems if left untreated.

Gently brush their teeth using a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste that’s specially formulated for puppies.

Consult a Veterinarian

If you notice any unusual symptoms in your teething German Shepherd puppy, such as excessive drooling, refusal to eat, or severe pain, it’s crucial to consult a veterinarian.

Your veterinarian can assess the situation, offer advice, and provide any necessary treatments to help your puppy through their teething process.

Regular check-ups with the vet are also essential to ensure your puppy’s teeth are developing correctly and their overall health is well-maintained.

Possible Dental Issues in German Shepherd Puppies

As a German Shepherd puppy owner, you should be aware of some potential dental issues your furry friend may face.

Plaque and tartar buildup can be a common issue in German Shepherds, which could lead to cavities and other dental health problems if left untreated.

It’s essential to maintain good oral hygiene for your puppy to prevent tooth loss, pain, and jaw fractures.

Bacteria buildup in your dog’s mouth, if left unchecked, can not only damage teeth but also enter the bloodstream and harm vital organs such as the heart and kidneys.

When your German Shepherd is still a puppy, they will go through a teething process. Their sharp little puppy teeth will eventually fall out to make way for their permanent teeth.

This occurs because the developing permanent teeth apply pressure to the roots of the deciduous teeth, causing them to loosen and eventually fall out.

During the teething stage, your German Shepherd puppy’s teeth will begin to grow around 2-3 weeks old.

It’s crucial to keep an eye on your puppy’s teeth during this time and provide them with appropriate chew toys to relieve any teething discomfort. This will also help in promoting healthy dental habits for the rest of their life.

To keep your German Shepherd puppy’s teeth healthy, consider:

  • Brushing their teeth regularly with a dog-specific toothpaste
  • Providing them with dental chews and toys designed for oral health
  • Scheduling regular vet check-ups, which should include a dental examination

By maintaining good dental hygiene practices for your German Shepherd puppy and being mindful of possible dental issues, you can ensure a happier and healthier life for your furry friend.


In your journey to learn about German Shepherd puppies and their teeth, you’ve discovered that they do indeed lose their baby teeth.

As with many other breeds, German Shepherd puppies are born toothless and begin to develop their first set of milk teeth or deciduous teeth around 3-4 weeks of age.

These small, sharp teeth enable puppies to start eating solid food and exploring their world with their mouths.

German Shepherd puppies have 28 puppy teeth that will eventually fall out and be replaced by 42 adult canine teeth, including molars. The process of losing and replacing their teeth is a natural part of their growth and development.

It is essential to monitor your puppy’s teething progress and consider providing appropriate chew toys for them to ease any discomfort during this process.

Now that you are aware of the German Shepherd puppies’ teeth, you can confidently care for your puppy and ensure a smooth transition from their baby teeth to adult teeth.

Remember that maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for your German Shepherd’s overall health, so be sure to include dental care in their routine check-ups and grooming.

Frequently Asked Questions

At what age do German Shepherd pups lose baby teeth?

German Shepherd puppies start losing their baby teeth between six and eight weeks of age, making room for adult teeth to grow.

By the time they are six months old, most puppies will have most of their adult teeth in place.

What are common German Shepherd teething symptoms?

During the teething process, you may notice your German Shepherd puppy experiencing swollen gums, drooling more than usual, and having a strong desire to chew on various objects.

Chewing helps to alleviate their discomfort and promotes the growth of new teeth. Puppies may also become more irritable and have difficulty eating or drinking due to pain or sensitivity in their mouth.

Which teething toys are recommended for German Shepherd puppies?

Offer your German Shepherd puppy various teething toys to help them through this process. Look for toys made of durable, non-toxic materials that are specifically designed for teething puppies.

Consider toys such as Nylabone or KONG products, which can be found at most pet supply stores.

How do puppies behave when shedding teeth?

When puppies are shedding their baby teeth, they may chew on objects more frequently to relieve pain and discomfort.

Keep an eye on your puppy to ensure they’re not chewing on inappropriate items that may be hazardous or cause damage.

It’s essential to redirect their chewing to appropriate toys and provide them with teething relief options.

Are there common German Shepherd teeth issues?

German Shepherds, like other dogs, can develop dental issues such as tartar build-up, tooth decay, and gum disease.

It’s crucial to maintain your dog’s dental hygiene, which includes regular brushing, providing dental chews, and scheduling professional dental cleanings when necessary.

What is the typical German Shepherd’s teeth size?

An adult German Shepherd has 42 permanent teeth, which include 12 incisors, 4 canines, 16 premolars, and 10 molars.

The size of these teeth will vary depending on the individual dog, but they are generally larger and stronger than those of smaller breeds, reflecting their need to process more substantial food sources.

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