German Shepherd puppies are known for their biting – it’s a natural part of their development. They use their mouths to explore the world and play with their littermates. However, as they grow older, they need to learn not to bite people.
So when German Shepherd puppies quit biting? It depends on when they learn to control their mouths and teeth, as well as several other factors.
Keep reading to learn more about when your German Shepherd pup will outgrow their biting phase – and what you can do to help them through it!
When German Shepherd Puppies Quit Biting?
Like all puppies, German Shepherds go through a biting phase as they explore their world and play with their littermates. It’s a natural part of their development – but it can be worrisome for owners when their pup starts nipping at their hands and feet.
So when German Shepherd puppies quit biting? Most pups will outgrow their biting phase by the time they’re 4-6 months old, although some may not stop until they are a year or older.
On average, German Shepherd puppies will start to lose their teeth at about four months old. This is when their adult teeth start to come in. As their teeth begin to change, they will become less sharp and pointed, which can help reduce the amount of damage they do when they bite.
At the same time, German Shepherd puppies will also start to develop more control over their mouths and teeth. This process takes time, and some puppies may not have full control until they are a year or older.
In addition to their physical development, German Shepherd puppies’ biting behavior will also be influenced by their socialization and training. Puppies who have had positive experiences with people – such as being handled frequently and being praised for good behavior – are less likely to bite than those who have had negative experiences.
How Do I Get The German Shepherd Puppy to Stop Biting?
When it comes to training a German shepherd puppy to stop biting, there are a few different methods that can be used. Here are a few tips on how to get your German shepherd puppy to stop biting:
Put a Stop To Play Biting Immediately
If you want your German shepherd puppy to stop biting, it is important that you put a stop to play biting immediately. Play biting is when puppies use their mouths during play and can often lead to them nipping or biting too hard.
One way to stop play biting is to yelp when they bite you. This will startle them and let them know that they are hurting you. You can also try redirecting their attention by giving them a toy to chew on instead of your hand.
Be Consistent With Your Training
It is important to be consistent when training your German shepherd puppy not to bite. This means that everyone in the family should be using the same commands and disciplinary actions. Otherwise, your puppy will become confused and will not know what is expected of them.
Use Positive Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement is a great way to train your German shepherd puppy not to bite. This means rewarding them when they display good behavior, such as when they chew on their toy instead of your hand. You can use treats, praise, or petting as positive reinforcement.
Be Patient
Training a German shepherd puppy not to bite takes time and patience. Do not get frustrated if they do not seem to be getting it right away. Just keep working with them, and eventually, they will learn what you expect from them.
Redirect Their Energy
German shepherd puppies have a lot of energy and can often get mouthy when they are feeling playful. One way to stop them from biting is to redirect their energy into something else, such as a toy or a game of fetch. This will help them burn off some of that excess energy so that they are less likely to bite.
Bottom Line
Every concerned German Shepherd parent wants to know when do German Shepherd puppies quit biting. It’s a common question with a simple answer: they’ll stop when you train them to. By using the methods described above, you can teach your German shepherd puppy not to bite and help them grow into a well-behaved dog.