How Long Do German Shepherd Puppies Snooze At Night?


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What is the sleep duration of German shepherd puppies at night? It seems like they are always full of energy! German shepherd puppies need a lot of sleep, just like human babies. They will sleep for about 16 to 20 hours a day. This may seem like a lot, but they are growing and developing quickly.


Read on to learn more about how much sleep German shepherd puppies need, and how you can help them get the rest they need.


What Is The Importance Of Sleep For the German Shepherd Dogs?


Do you know that sleep is important for every puppy’s physical and mental development? Your new puppy, just like a human baby, requires a lot of sleep during this critical period of its existence.


Sleep is crucial for healthy growth, as it contributes to the development of his central and peripheral nervous system, brain, immunity, and muscles. All of that sleep also allows him to recuperate amid development spurts.


A sleep-deprived dog is not only more likely to get sick, and it also has a significant impact on mood.


How Long Do German Shepherd Puppies Snooze At Night?


On average, German shepherd puppies snooze for about 16 to 20 hours each day. This may sound like a lot, but it’s important for their development. Just like human babies, German shepherd puppies go through growth spurts. During these periods, they need extra sleep to help their bodies recover from the rapid growth.


In the beginning, most German Shepherd puppies do not sleep through the night. They may wake up several times to nurse or use the bathroom. It might take up to 1-2 months for your new puppy to adapt and feel confident enough to sleep longer.


When your GSD puppy is 4-6 months old, he should progressively reduce his toilet calls from twice to once every night.


German Shepherds are unlikely to sleep through the night before the age of six months. Here are some of the reasons:


  • They aren’t used to sleeping apart from their littermates and mother.
  • With all of the unfamiliar odors and noises in their new home, they may feel uneasy. This shift may be too thrilling or too frightening for them to calm down and sleep.
  • At seven weeks, your puppy’s bladder would not be large enough to hold them for the full night. If they feel the need to go, they will whine or howl.
  • They may be teething, which can cause discomfort and restlessness.
  • They are still growing and developing, so they need more sleep than an adult dog.


Reasons Your German Shepherd Puppy Sleeps A Lot


Now that you know how much sleep your German shepherd puppy needs, you might be wondering why they sleep so much. There are a few reasons for this:


   Poor Diet


You can’t just pick up your favorite brand of dog food and assume it to be hearty and healthy enough for your hyperactive German Shepherd puppy.


If your dog isn’t eating enough nutritional food, he or she may get sleepier during the day. Check your puppy’s nutrition to ensure it is getting enough nutrients to thrive.

   Extreme Exercise


While German Shepherds require a lot of activity to stay healthy, too much exercise may make your puppy drowsy and cause him or her to sleep more.


Young puppies are still growing their bones and joints.  Extreme exercise will simply exhaust your German Shepherd puppy out faster, and repeated episodes of excessive exercise may disrupt their sleep routine.


   Hot Weather


During the spring and summer, pay more attention to your German Shepherd’s sleeping patterns.


This breed naturally flourishes in cooler regions, and excessive heat outdoors or within the house might induce increased sleepiness.


In the summertime, make sure the air conditioner is at a reasonable temperature for your puppy.

Do German Shepherd Puppies Snooze Through the Night?


Yes and no. It depends on how old they are and what’s going on in their environment.


As a rule of thumb, German Shepherd puppies under the age of 4-6 months old do not sleep through the night. They may wake up several times to nurse or use the bathroom.


It might require a few months for your German Shepherd puppy to sleep through the night. If you have a young puppy, be prepared for some sleepless nights!


Final Thoughts


Now that you know how long do German Shepherd puppies snooze at night, you can rest a little easier knowing that your puppy is getting the proper amount of sleep.


German Shepherds are high energy dogs that need a lot of exercise and stimulation. If your puppy is sleeping more than normal, take a look at his or her diet and how much activity they are getting.


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